Executive Summary
- With the sea level on the rise in ASEAN coastal cities, the risk of sinking, driven by tectonic processes and the anthropogenic effects of over-extraction and other forms of natural resource depletion further exacerbates it.
- A number of cities have implemented plans and engineering efforts to adapt to coastal hazards, yet others are still lacking knowledge and resources to implement adaptive capacity via disaster risk reduction and resilience
- Coastal hazards have a significant and far- reaching impact on the social, cultural, and natural assets and vital resources of low-lying coastal communities.
Policy Recommendations
- Understand baseline and raise awareness on the resilience of coastal cities
- Conduct coastal risk assessments
- Identify and design solutions
- Installation of vertical structures or revetments using ecological approaches and low- cost solutions.
- Install Geotubes to protect shorelines from the effect of erosion.
- Conduct short- and medium-term (less than 30 years) solutions such as protection of roadways along coastal areas, improve early warning systems, and improve drainage
- Conduct long-term (beyond 30 years) solutions such as relocation of population and properties at coastal area to lower the